Dr. Craig Wright

Dr. Craig Wright
Craig obtained his PhD in 2004. He is nationally and internationally recognised as a leading clinician in the developmental/learning disorders field (dyslexia, dysgraphia, language impairment, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, dyscalculia). He is also known for his work on challenging behaviour and anxiety. He has a personal interest in men’s mental health and mental health management in parents. His external appointments include being an Adjunct Research Fellow at Griffith University, a member of the Advisory Board for the Macquarie University Reading Clinic and Editorial Board member for the Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. He has served tenure as President of Learning Difficulties Australia. His research has appeared most recently in the prestigious journals Neuropsychologia, Developmental Neuropsychology and Brain & Cognition.
Current Positions

Clinic Director, Understanding Minds Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University Advisory Board Member Macquarie University Reading Clinic Editorial Board Member, Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties

Contact Details
P. 07 5526 1516
E. craig@understandingminds.com.au

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